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Beekeeping  Speaker

"History shows that it is difficult to persuade the established order to accept revolutionary design change. It is greeted first with humour, followed by anger until finally it is seen to be self-evidently correct."


                                William Summers

William (Bill) Summers was an architect in a previous life and has gone onto to use that knowledge combined with 40 years of beekeeping to recognise the importance of how design and science work together.  He is the founder of the ZEST hive project thats aim is to improve bee health, making beekeeping more accessible and cost effective. 

"Ultimately science takes things apart to understand them and design puts them back together making a useful object or system.  While science is important, without a subsequent design with in beekeeping the research is pointless.  Of course we can have design without science, but this is just good taste."

Doing more with less advances mankind's technology and civilisation, and so this is the outcome with the ZEST hive.

Along side Bill, Dave Durrant and Judy Challoner have brought analysis and clarity to the ZEST hive mission for better bee health and beekeeper wealth.

We do talks (50p.per mile) on ZEST hive philosophy to local BKA's and any group interested in bee health and our work.
Simply fill in the contact details below with the event details and we will be in touch. 
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